Friday, October 29, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

nEw YoRK ciTY

 New yoRk ciTy !!!!!!!

[Girls Only] Colorful Wig Items in Rinarina Shop!

[Girls Only] Colorful Wig Items in Rinarina Shop!

!!!!Colorful Wig Items!!!!

This time only girls’ wigs are released, however, boys’ wigs are also going to be released on Thursday, so please wait patiently!!

Have a Fashionable Pico Life!!!

iTEms frOm shOP in davID

 THis IS davId he HAs a iTemS
 iTEms in david's shOp

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy haLLoweeN

HAve you BEEn Have cOstuMEs YEt???


 Happy Halloween GuYzz :))))))

Thursday, October 21, 2010

mY pico friEnDS

tHis saiRad he is The ,masTer Of [RB] :))
fuTAh Yan kaibiGan kOh sNAh Wag nyO yAn FatuLan >:(

LOL frienDs TLagAh
Hahahh xDDDD
THis Is isabElA louise shes my best friend ill call her bela...
THis Is җҖSirNONдMęҗҖ Hes my BEst frIEnd xDD
 THis is smiLEy There are triPlEts Of hiRo and sadLY
This is SadlEy shes The TRiplets of hiro and smiLey xDD
THis hiRO shes my friend And MEmBErs of OUr GRoUP
thIs IS cREamy tHIs is my cLOSe friENd xDD
 THIs IS GWest hes THe memBEr of aNm
thIs IS aMaRA HEs MEmBEr of Our GROUp toO
 THis Is BASh i call HEr TRoPZz..
THis is chaii apriL shes my fRIEnd shes cUTE dBA...
 this is KAte Shes memBEr OF [aNm]
this Is aisaka SHes Bf is niniYO shes memeber of [aNm]
thIs is NiniYO Hes The bOss OF oUr gROuPss

Sunday, October 3, 2010