Friday, October 1, 2010

Win GAcha ....iTEms

Win GAcha ....iTEms

gaCHa Win GAcha eveRy dAy


[aNm]*♥GiGzZ♥♫ ediTEd

[FGO]-Cabsilog HE is jOKes Asss LolZz

PEt faRm

THis Is PEt Farm you cAn bUy PEts For ameBa GOld not TOkeN

 YOu can bUy Cat for ameba goLD not tOKen
 You can bUy Dog for ameba goLD
You can buy tortoise for ameba goLd

aCtiOns :)

.used to show respect or to give thanks.
LAuGH 1,000 gummiEs,act like laughing have jOkes
CLap 1,000 gummies, act like clapping you can see a shOw you can clap
pLease 1,000 guMMies,act like please someone peopLe

Ee ja nai ka tOken You can feeL danciNg

 bLUsh toKEn/ 50 aG you CAn acTIon like blUSh you kilig somthing with friends OR you have a lOVEr
 Sad 1,000 gummIEs you can action like sad if you have feeling,loNEly,ouT of PLace,OR waTEring grAseS LOLzz
 heLLO 1,000 gummies you action HELLO your friends or goodBye
.let the smokes burst out of your head. XD
.when someone is getting in your nerves or blocking your pico.
.feel free to use this action.
1,000 gummies